Living in alignment is about matching your “real” behaviors with your “ideal Values.” Living out of alignment is a source of stress, dissatisfaction and poor decision-making. As the first step in our Alignment Model, our Values Cards provide an interactive way to define what you Value most and set the stage for behaviors and performance more closely aligned with your ideal self. Our clients regularly review their Values as they can change over time.

How to use think2perform's Values Cards:

Shuffle through the grey deck of cards below by clicking to the left or right of the highlighted card. If a Value Card fits you well, click the green “add +” button to add a Value to the orange deck. The orange cards become your “keep” pile, and the grey cards become your “discard” pile. You can sort through either deck simply by clicking it. To eliminate cards from your “keep” pile, simply click on the “remove -“ button. You can also create your own Values Cards by clicking on the white card deck icon. There is no limit to the number of cards you can keep in this first step. Scroll down and you’ll find your card deck displayed at a glance for side-by-side comparison.

Please complete the Values Exercise to define your values.

Values Exercise
